Chief Consultant,
Akacia Co.Ltd.

Taiwan 楊時昕 / Yang Lydia


Dr. Lydia Yang 是阿卡希亞股份有限公司首席顧問,專門研究整合了設計、科技和永續發展的創新數位轉型解決方案。她擁有國立清華大學 EMBA 學位、企業永續管理師證照、中原大學設計學博士學位,以及薩凡納藝術設計學院藝術創作碩士學位,具備超過二十年的專業經驗,以跨商業、美學和科技領域的專業知識而聞名。

Dr. Yang 自 2005 年開始帶領阿卡希亞,為友達光電、光寶科技、聯華電子和國巨股份有限公司等一流企業提供數位轉型解決方案。阿卡希亞在 Dr. Yang 的領導下,榮獲「APAC CIO Outlook 十大」企業榮譽,也是唯一獲得此項殊榮的臺灣公司。

Dr. Yang 同時也擔任臺北永續工作坊 (Taipei Sustainable Workshop)的企業永續評審員以及桃園創意設計中心 (Taoyuan Creative Design Center) 的顧問,她協助企業在商業轉型和環保策略之間取得平衡,並運用設計思維發展創新的解決方案。


Dr. Lydia Yang is the Chief Consultant at Akacia Co., Ltd., specializing in innovative digital transformation solutions that integrate design, technology, and sustainability. She holds an EMBA from National Tsing Hua University, a Corporate Sustainability Manager certification, a Ph.D. in Design from Chung Yuan Christian University, and a Master of Fine Art from the Savannah College of Art and Design. With over 20 years of experience, she is renowned for her expertise at the intersection of business, aesthetics, and technology.

Since 2005, Dr. Yang has led Akacia in delivering transformative digital solutions for top-listed companies such as AUO, Lite-On Group, UMC, and Yageo Corporation. Under her leadership, Akacia was honored as one of the “Top 10 APAC CIO Outlook” companies, the only Taiwanese firm to receive this honor.

Dr. Yang also serves as a Corporate Sustainability Evaluator for Taipei Sustainable Workshop and as a Consultant for Taoyuan Creative Design Center. She helps organization achieve a balance between business transformation and green strategies, using Design Thinking to develop innovative solutions that align with long-term goals and stakeholder interests. She also advances aesthetics and sustainability education as a keynote speaker for government workshops and employs interactive board games to address sustainability issues.

Field of Talk:Design, Sustainability, Digital Transformation