Assistant Professor,
Institute of Architecture - National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Taiwan 曾令理 / Tseng Ling Li


曾令理擁有體驗空間和裝置藝術的專業知識。她在庫柏聯盟學院和哈佛大學設計研究生院完成了碩士學位。現任國立陽明交通大學建築研究所助理教授。自2016年起,她成為Serendipity Studio聯合創始人,透過合作連結不同的創作者,並獲得多項國際獎項,包括2017年台北市立美術館X-site展館、紅點最佳設計獎、Good Design獎獎、金點獎、[d]arc 獎。

Ling-Li Tseng possesses expertise in experiential space and installation art. She has accomplished her Master’s studies in the Cooper Union and Harvard University GSD. Currently, she works as an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Architecture at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Since 2016, she has become the co-founder of Serendipity Studio, connecting various creators through collaboration, and won multiple international awards, including the 2017 X-site pavilion in the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Red Dot Best of the Best Award, Good Design Award, Golden Pin Award, and [d]arc award.