Founded in 2014 Hiverlab


Hiverlab 於 2014 年成立於新加坡,提供獨特的空間智慧產品和解決方案,幫助企業更加智慧地組織和呈現訊息,使其可訪問且安全,從而建立透明和可持續的世界。 Hiverlab 精通沉浸式技術、物聯網、雲端運算、5G、數據分析、人工智慧、機器學習、機器人與自動化、空間數位孿生等新興技術的技術協同。迄今為止,Hiverlab已為20多個國家的數百家客戶提供服務,涉及物流、製造、建築環境、醫療健康等領域。

Founded in 2014, Hiverlab provides unique Spatial Intelligence products and solutions to help organisations intelligently organise and present information, making it accessible and secure for a transparent and sustainable world. Hiverlab is well-versed in the interoperability of emerging technologies such as XR, IoTs, Cloud Computing, 5G, Data Analytics, AI / Machine Learning, Robotics & Automation, Spatial Digital Twins, etc., all of which enable Collective Intelligence. To date, Hiverlab has served hundreds of customers in 20+ countries, from the areas of logistics, manufacturing, built environments, medical health, etc.

策展人 Curator 袁屹 / Yuan Yi


袁屹為 Hiverlab 的創始合夥人,在過去 9 年裡運用新興技術幫助世界各地的組織實現數位轉型。袁屹的工作包括許多被稱為產業「第一」的先鋒項目,例如東南亞首個海事領域5G驅動的空間數位孿生、新加坡首個5G驅動的倉庫空間數位孿生、新加坡教育部首個面向小學生的虛擬實境系統,探索頻道亞太地區首個VR 紀錄片系列,等。袁屹在新加坡國立大學獲得公共政策和技術創業學士學位,在愛丁堡大學獲得分析哲學(知識論、倫理學、心靈哲學和認知科學)碩士學位,對哲學思考、技術探索、創意生產、商業發展和社會創新的交叉領域有著濃厚的興趣,倡導跨學科方法、利益相關者參與和夥伴合作,以實現可持續的技術社會發展。工作之餘,袁毅發表文章、參與演講,並在一些非政府組織擔任志願者,其中之一是珍古德教育及保育協會,該組織致力於解決環境和野生動物保護問題。

A founding partner at Hiverlab, Yuan Yi has spent the last 9 years helping organisations around the world with their Digital Transformation journeys via emerging technologies. Yuan Yi’s work includes many pioneer projects known as the industries’ “firsts”, such as Southeast Asia’s first 5G-powered Spatial Digital Twin in the maritime sector, Singapore’s first 5G-powered warehouse Spatial Digital Twin, Ministry of Education’s first VR System in Singapore for primary school students, and Discovery Network’s first VR documentary series in APAC which took place in Singapore, Japan and Cambodia.

Trained in BA in Public Policy and Technology Entrepreneurship at National University of Singapore, and MSc in Analytic Philosophy (Epistemology, Ethics, Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science) at the University of Edinburgh, Yuan Yi sees knowledge across disciplines interconnects and builds up exponentially. With a deep interest in the intersection of philosophical thinking, technology exploration, creative production, business development and social innovation, Yuan Yi advocates for transdisciplinary approaches, stakeholder engagement and partnership collaborations for sustainable techno-social evolution. Outside of work, Yuan Yi publishes articles, speaks at events, and volunteers at a few NGOs, one of which being Jane Goodall Institute which addresses environmental and wildlife conservation issues.

LinkedIn Profile




自 2014 年以來,沉浸式技術逐漸獲得關注。最早和採用最多的沉浸式技術之一便是 360 度虛擬實境導覽。該展位的兩個例子展示了 360 度虛擬實境導覽是如何打破空間和時間界限的。
(1)廢棄系列 —— 端島。這部 360 度虛擬導覽是探索頻道亞太地區的第一部 VR 紀錄片,帶我們回顧日本廢棄的煤礦開採地端島的歷史。
(2)CloudExpo —— Hiverlab的自研軟體產品。CloudExpo為使用者提供了一個無程式碼介面,讓使用者可以輕鬆創建互動式在線虛擬旅遊。

Virtual Tours
Since 2014, the dawn of the current wave of immersive technologies, one of the earliest and most adopted immersive technologies is 360-degree virtual tours.
At this booth, two examples are demonstrated to show how this technology has evolved to break the boundaries of space and time.
(1) Abandoned - Hashima Island. Known as Discovery Channel’s first VR documentary in APAC, this 360-degree virtual tour takes us back in time to Hashima, an abandoned coal mining site in Japan.
(2) CloudExpo, Hiverlab’s proprietary software product. CloudExpo provides a no-code interface for users to easily create interactive online virtual tours.


在 360 度虛擬實境導覽流行後不久,大規模增強現實 (AR) 體驗成為又一個廣受歡迎的沉浸式技術。該展位展示了此類體驗的代表作,如星耀樟宜機場著名的 Jewel-rassic Quest 大型AR體驗。Hiverlab 是其中的技術供應商。Jewel-rassic Quest 橫跨星耀樟宜機場的五層樓,創意敘事和遊戲內容經過精心設計,並與 Jewel 親自然設計的物理環境相得益彰。我們採用數據驅動的方法,根據 Jewel 的客流量、高峰期和熱點圖來設計這種 AR 體驗。主要遊戲地點的選擇便於用戶進行導航,路線上有自動扶梯和升降機,並計劃了中場休息,讓遊客可以享受 Jewel 所提供的其他服務。Jewel-rassic Quest 揭示了當新興技術、建築環境和商業廣告融合在一起時,沉浸式技術在重塑消費者體驗方面的潛力。迄今為止,該體驗為世界上最大的恐龍主題的AR元宇宙。

Large-scale Augmented Reality Experiences

Shortly after the adoption of 360-degree virtual tours, large-scale Augmented Reality (AR) experiences picked up as the next well received immersive technology. At this booth, we demonstrate highlights from such projects, e.g. the famous Jewel-rassic Quest large-scale AR experience at Jewel Changi Airport, of which Hiverlab is the technology enabler. Jewel-rassic Quest stretched across five floors of Jewel Changi Airport, with creative storytelling and gamification components nicely designed and augmented against Jewel’s biophilic physical surroundings. A data-driven approach was employed to design this AR experience based on the knowledge of traffic flow and expected peak periods in Jewel. The navigation and checkpoints are designed to be easy for participants, with escalators and lifts in the suggested route, as well as breathers and intermissions planned in for visitors to enjoy the rest of what Jewel has to offer. Jewel-rassic Quest revealed the potential of immersive technology in reshaping consumers’ experiences when emerging technologies, built environment, and commercials are blended together. To date, this experience is known as world’s largest AR dinoverse.


建築環境中最近的一個趨勢是空間數位孿生。空間數位元孿生是物理資產的 3D 數位複製品,通過多種新興技術的協同實現,例如沉浸式技術、物聯網、雲計算、5G、數據分析、人工智慧、機器學習、機器人和自動化。空間數位孿生可以在建築環境的整個生命週期中使用,以提高運營效率、增強工作場所安全性並改善可持續性發展。
(1) SpatialWork – Hiverlab 自研的 AI 驅動的空間數位孿生軟體產品。SpatialWork為使用者提供了無代碼和低代碼介面,以輕鬆創建空間數位孿生。
(2)物聯網(IoT)。物聯網感測器通常用於捕獲空間數位元孿生所需要的數據,例如與能源消耗, 水電用量, 空氣品質等。本次展位上展示的感測器由 Hiverlab 的長期戰略合作夥伴優納比提供。優納比是全球首屈一指的大規模物聯網解決方案解決方案供應商及系統整合商。
(3)3D模擬器的精選視頻。面對複雜場景,空間數位孿生通過 3D 模擬器獲得洞見。一些範例包括優化建築物中的智慧機器人跨樓層通行方案、智能機器人路徑規劃、流體動力學可視化,等。

Spatial Digital Twins

"A more recent trend in the built environments is Spatial Digital Twins. Spatial Digital Twins are 3D digital representations of physical assets, enabled by the interoperability of multiple emerging technologies, such as Immersive Technologies, IoTs, Cloud Computing, 5G, Data Analytics, AI / Machine Learning, Robotics and Automation. They can be used across life cycles of built environments, to increase operational efficiency, enhance workplace safety, and improve sustainability outcomes.
At this booth, three relevant technologies are demonstrated.
(1) SpatialWork, Hiverlab’s proprietary AI-powered Spatial Digital Twin software product. SpatialWork provides no-code and low-code interfaces for users to easily create Spatial Digital Twins.
(2) IoT sensors. IoT sensors are commonly used to capture data for Spatial Digital Twins, such as data related to energy consumption, water consumption, indoor air quality (IAQ), etc. The sensors displayed at this booth are provided by Hiverlab’s long-term strategic partner, UnaBiz, a recognized global IoT service provider and integrator.
(3) A highlight video of a 3D simulator. 3D simulators are often used to derive insights from complex what-if scenarios for Spatial Digital Twins. Some sample use cases are optimization of robot-lift automation in a building, traffic deconfliction, airflow visualization (e.g. via Computational Fluid Dynamics), etc.


從以上幾個展位可以看出,在過去十年中,多種新興技術不斷融合,而且這種趨勢還在繼續。目前,AI 領域正在發生快速變化,AI 也已成為新興技術融合最強大的驅動因素之一。多感官具身 AI 現在作為一項即將推出的技術備受期待。新興技術將帶我們走向何方?未來已來,等待我們來定義。 該展位展示了兩種功能可能助力實現多感官體現 AI 的相關技術。 (1) Hiverlab 自研的軟體產品 SpatialWork 中的 SpatialSearch 功能。SpatialSearch 執行空間物體識別,生成空間資訊本體資料庫,併為數位孿生即時創建空間地圖。多感官具身 AI 獲得空間感知能力和空間智慧的一個環節。 (2) Finds.–Hiverlab 自研的軟體產品。Finds. 是一種在企業視頻知識庫中進行即時內容搜索的 AI 工具,可顯著提高基於圖像的知識傳授的效率。

Spatial Intelligence

As seen from the previous booths, multiple emerging technologies have been continuously converging in the last one decade, and this trend continues. Most recently, AI has been one of the strongest driving factors given the rapid changes happening in the AI sector. Multi-sensory Embodied AI is now highly anticipated as an upcoming technology. Where will these technologies take us to? The future is here for us to define.
At this booth, we demonstrate some capabilities of AI agents which could potentially enable Multi-sensory Embodied AI.
(1) SpatialSearch feature in SpatialWork, Hiverlab’s proprietary product. SpatialSearch conducts object detection, generates spatial ontology, and creates spatial map in real-time for digital twins. It is one enabling technology for Multi-sensory Embodied AI to gain spatial awareness and subsequently spatial intelligence.
(2) Finds., Hiverlab’s proprietary software product. Finds. is an AI tool for instant content search in enterprise video knowledge base, to significantly improve the efficiency of visual-based knowledge transfer.