千葉大學 Chiba University


千葉大學的「設計研究院」(dri) 於 2021 年四月成立,這項計畫的目的是為了透過產官學合作發展千葉大學擁有一百年歷史的設計教育和研究,超越傳統的通用工程,並以設計實務為基礎橫跨人文和科學。

The “design research institute (dri)” of Chiba university was established in April 2021. The purpose of this project is to develop Chiba University’s design education and research, which boasts 100 years of history, beyond the conventional engineering in general and across the humanities and sciences based on design practice through industry-academia-government collaboration.

策展人 Curator 植田 憲 / Akira Ueda

植田憲是永續城鄉專家,桃園國際締盟城市日本千葉大學設計研究所主任/結合 SDGs理念,設計、文化、區域發展、區域資源、內生區域振興專業,曾於2018獲得日本設計大獎Good Design Award。

千葉大學的「設計研究院」(dri) 於 2021 年四月成立,這項計畫的目的是為了透過產官學合作發展千葉大學擁有一百年歷史的設計教育和研究,超越傳統的通用工程,並以設計實務為基礎橫跨人文和科學。

Title of Talk:Attempt to Create Innovation of “dri: design research institute” of Chiba University

Professor Akira Ueda is Sustainable Urban-Rural Specialist, Director of the Design Research Institute at Chiba University, Japan – Taoyuan International Alliance City Specializes in incorporating SDGs principles, with expertise in design, culture, regional development, regional resources, and endogenous regional revitalization. Recipient of Japan’s Good Design Award in 2018.

The “design research institute (dri)” of Chiba university was established in April 2021. The purpose of this project is to develop Chiba University’s design education and research, which boasts 100 years of history, beyond the conventional engineering in general and across the humanities and sciences based on design practice through industry-academia-government collaboration.



記錄長野縣上田市當地貨幣團體「Santo Club Mayu」活動的紀錄片

Documentary film "To Another Tomorrow"
A documentary film that chronicles the activities of a local currency group called "Santo Club Mayu" in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture.


"Ventilation Play"
A play that uses subway ventilation.

控制磁性材料使其產生逼真運動的裝置(Good Design New Hope Award 2023優秀獎)

Work "Interactive Liquid"
A device that controls magnetic materials to give them a lifelike movement (Good Design New Hope Award 2023 Excellence Award).


"Maiwai" +Knife
A product that digitizes the design of the stencil of "Maiwai", a traditional craft of Chiba Prefecture that is stored in a museum, and applies that data to the production of "Maiwai" and "Chiba Artisan Tools" (nationally designated traditional crafts).

COVID-19疫苗接種標記系統被選為2021年Good Design Best 100之一

"Graphic Design Proposal"
The COVID-19 vaccination sign system was selected as one of the 2021 Good Design Best 100.