我將介紹 Open City 的演變、今天的規模,以及對遊客、主辦單位、當地政府合作夥伴、企業合作夥伴、志工的影響,並探討未來的發展方向。
Celia is Festival Director of London Open House, a London-wide festival in its 31st year with over 800 events within it. She has previously led London Historic Buildings Trust, Bath Festivals, West Midlands region of the National Trust and other organisations. She also works as a management consultant on many cultural, museum, arts venue and tourism projects. Her super powers are in bringing in partnerships to extend mutual benefit and in commissioning powerful evaluation which demonstrates the social impact of culture and heritage in our lives.
Short Blurb of the Speech
I will cover the evolution of the festival, the scale of it today, and the impacts on visitors, hosts, local government partners, corporate partners, volunteers and ask where we might go next.